Volunteer in Uganda

If you are considering a period of voluntary work in Uganda not only are there a myriad of opportunities from healthcare, HIV awareness and prevention, orphanage work, school and education, family strengthening and water projects etc but no voluntary work experience would be complete without exploring this lesser known area of the continent known as the "Pearl of Africa".

From safaris to visits to beautiful lakes that lie embedded deep within the Rift Valley there is so much to see and do. If staying in the south-west of Uganda, you can also easily go gorilla trekking or pay visits to Rwanda, Tanzania or the DRC. If you run a volunteer work project in Uganda let us know by contacting us here.

Volunteer in Uganda
Volunteer in Uganda

Volunteer in Uganda

Volunteer in Uganda

Volunteer in Uganda

Volunteer in Uganda


Rustic Volunteers

Volunteer Uganda: Rustic Volunteers

Volunteer work in an orphanage, on HIV/AIDS projects, on healthcare projects or teaching English.
Visit >


Eden Ministries

Volunteer Uganda Programs: Eden Ministries

Faith based volunteer work working with orphans and vulnerable children in Uganda.
Visit >



Volunteer Uganda Programs: Africa Sustainable Tourism Care Foundation

Volunteer work connecting volunteers to grassroots projects in less-fortunate communities.
Visit >



Volunteer Uganda Programs: Helping Uganda Educate

Volunteer work in the remote community of Nabugabo where over 1 in 4 children are orphans.
Visit >


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Volunteer in Uganda
Volunteer in Uganda

If you are considering undertaking a period of volunteer work in Uganda check out our Uganda profiles page to explore the country before you visit and learn how to make the most of your volunteer work in Uganda. Also have a read of the Lighthouse Project below, a humourous and insightful tale about being a volunteer in Uganda.

Uganda Profile  

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