Lion Webcam



This lion webcam streams live from the heart of Africa from the Sabi Game Reserve which is well known for being home to the 'Big Five' animals of the continent as well as a myriad of bird species and many other endangered animals. This webcam is fitted with infrared technology which make sit easier to see the lion at night when it is out hunting. Today there are just 21,000 lions living in Africa, half of what it was in the 1950s and a dramatic decline from 10,000 years ago when the lion was the second most populous mammal on the planet after humans, living in Africa, Greece, the middle east and even India. Part of the reason for the recent decline in numbers has been the recurring droughts in Africa killing off the lion's prey leading to malnutrition together with disease such as distemper.

Human encroachment into wildlife areas is another factor creating a loss of natural habitat as well as hunting, poaching and even poisoning by livestock keepers attempting to protect their stock from being killed by the lions whilst hunting. Lions themselves live for 10-14yrs and can run at 50 miles per hour over short distances. The live in 'prides' normally of about 15 lions headed by a male with the rest being female or cubs. Each female will give birth to 3-4 cubs at a time who will remain with their mother for a few years before going off and later establishing their own pride.

More about the African Lion

African Lion

Find out more about the endangered African lion whose dwindling population now stands at just 21,000, down from 200,000 just a hundred years ago.

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Adopt a Lion

Adopt a Lion

With this gift pack you can adopt an African lion or one of the other big five cats of Africa whose lives are endangered due to poaching, hunting and the degrading of their natural environments.

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